- New
paired article number: 342235;
Brake System: LUCAS;
Brake Disc Thickness [mm]: 24;
Brake Caliper Type: Brake Caliper (2 pistons);
Diameter 1/ Diameter 2 [mm]: 40/48;
Number of inlets/outlets: 2;
Brake caliper type: 2-piston;
Fitting position: Front;
Fitting side: Left;
Brake system: LUCAS;
Brake disc thickness [mm]: 24;
Piston diameter [mm]: 40;
Piston diameter 2 [mm]: 48;
Fitting position: left;
Fitting position: front;
Barcode: IC-G0VOCQ, 5705444059656;
Product code: G0VOCQ;
Article number: 342234;
PCN: 87083091
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