JGM6078T Shock Absorber TRW - Top1autovaruosad
    JGM6078T Shock Absorber TRW - Top1autovaruosad
    JGM6078T Shock Absorber TRW - Top1autovaruosad
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JGM6078T Shock Absorber TRW

Reference: JGM6078T

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Quantity per axle1
Fitting PositionFront Axle
Shock Absorber TypeGas Pressure
Shock Absorber DesignSuspension Strut
Shock Absorber SystemTwin-Tube
Shock Absorber Mounting TypeTop pin
Diameter [mm]52
Length 1 [mm]540
Length 2 [mm]360
Piston Rod Diameter [mm]22
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OEM: 1574987, 1348781, 1575016, 1619272, 4M51-18B038-RBA, 1441876, 3M51-18B039-CBB, 1455528, 4M51-18045-ACC, 1575035, 4M51-18K001-DAA, 4M51-18B038-AAB, 1441984, 4M51-18045-BBB, 1348854, 4M51-18B039-PBB, 4M51-18K001-ECA, 1575037, 1348784, 1348856, 4M51-18045-EAA, 4M51-18K001-RBC, 1372330, 4M51-18K001-ABE, 4M51-18K001-RBB, 4M51-18K001-DCA, 4M51-18K001-EAA, 3M51-18K001-CBM, 1372327, 1360166, 4M51-18B038-BAA, 1440865, 1575029, 1325089, 1360162, 4M51-18K001-CCA, 3M51-18B038-SBB, 1574988, 1619267, 1366815, 1366827, 1306048, 1348778, 1360167, 4M51-18045-BCC, 1365740, 3M51-18B038-CCB, 1234202, 1234204, 1458862, 4M51-18K001-RAD, 1365743, 1360165, 4M51-18045-DCA, 3M51-18045-FBA, 1595239, 4M51-18B039-PCB, 1441825, 1570055, 1366826, 1326177, 4M51-18K001-BCC, 4M51-18B038-PBB, 4M51-18B039-ABB, 1441967, 4M51-18045-BBC, 3M51-18K001-CCL, 1326188, 3M51-18K001-CBK, 3M51-18K001-CGA, 1360163, 1455519, 1455545, 4M51-18K001-FAA, 3M51-18B039-CCB, 4M51-18045-DAA, 4M51-18K001-CAA, 3M51-18B039-SAA, 1360161, 1595295, 1360159, 3M51-18K001-FBA, 1455544, 1234201, 1366828, 3M51-18K001-CCM, 1330820, 4M51-18K001-AAC, 1464770, 1455549, 1458854, 1619274, 4M51-18B038-RCA, 4M51-18B001-DBA, 1570029, 4M51-18K001-RCC, 1366825, 1366817, 1234205, 4M51-18045-BAC, 4M51-18045-PCB, 1575030, 1458859, 1575031, 1362669, 1455520, 3M51-18K001-CAJ, 1440885, 1441938, 3M51-18B039-SCB, 1306049, 4M51-18K001-BBB, 1370278, 4M51-18K001-FCA, 4M51-18K001-PCC, 4M51-18045-BCB, 1348851, 1440888, 1595284, 1360155, 1455550, 3M51-18K001-CAK, 1348850, 4M51-18K001-DBA, 1455526, 4M51-18K001-RAC, 4M51-18K001-ABC, 3M51-18B038-SAA, 4M51-18B039-BBA, 4M51-18K001-EBA, 3M51-18045-CGA, 1619282, 1570043, 1575006, 4M51-18K001-CBA, 1348775, 4M51-18B039-BAA, 4M51-18045-FBA, 1326191, 4M51-18B038-BBA, 1570050, 1440886, 4M51-18045-RAB, 4M51-18045-RCD, 1326194, 1440871, 1348773, 4M51-18045-AAC, 1330821, 1619271, 4M51-18045-ABC, 4M51-18045-EBA, 1441853, 4M51-18K001-BAB, 3M51-18045-FAA, 1360156, 3M51-18045-CAK, 4M51-18K001-BCB, 4M51-18045-ABD, 1464768, 4M51-18045-RBB, 1366813, 1325959, 3M51-18B039-CAB, 4M51-18045-FCA, 4M51-18K001-RBD, 3M51-18045-CAL, 4M51-18K001-BAC, 1440867, 3M51-18K001-CAL, 4M51-18045-FAA, 1619280, 4M51-18045-RCC, 4M51-18B039-AAB, 4M51-18045-CAA, 3M51-18B039-SBB, 1574992, 1455551, 3M51-18B038-CAB, 4M51-18B039-RBA, 4M51-18K001-FBA, 4M51-18K001-ABD, 1370273, 1619283, 4M51-18K001-RCD, 3M51-18K001-FAA, 3M51-18B038-CBB, 1464769, 4M51-18B039-RAA, 4M51-18B038-ABB, 1455522, 4M51-18045-PCC, 1325090, 4M51-18B001-BBB, 1370284, 4M51-18K001-RAB, 4M51-18B038-ACB, 4M51-18045-RCB, 1360160, 1619281, 3M51-18K001-CCK, 1348855, 1365746, 1574993, 4M51-18045-PCD, 4M51-18B039-PAB, 1575040, 1565335, 3M51-18K001-CBL, 4M51-18K001-RCB, 4M51-18B038-BCA, 4M51-18B038-PAB, 4M51-18B038-PCB, 1574989, 4M51-18045-RAD, 1325961, 3M51-18045-CAJ, 1575010, 4M51-18045-BBD, 1370283, 1365741, 3M51-8045-CBK, 1372324, 1559519, 4M51-18K001-ACC, 4M51-18B039-ACB, 4M51-18B001-BBC, 3M51-18B038-SCB, 4M51-18B038-DBA, 1565337, 1365744, 4M51-18045-ECA, 1595296, 1348776, 4M51-18045-RBC, 1362670, 1360158, 4M51-18045-RBD, 4M51-18045-CBA, 4M51-18B039-BCA, 1366820, 1348848, 1325960, 1372329, 4M51-18045-CCA, 4M51-18K001-PCB, 4M51-18045-BAB, 1455524, 3M51-18B038-CAA, 4M51-18B039-RCA, 1360154, 1325958, 1574984, 1574976, 4M51-18K001-PCD, 1595300, 1595299, 4M51-18045-RAC, 1559520, 1228799
IC: JGM6078T
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